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Headquartered in?Sunwin TECHNOLOGY (Hong Kong), with research and development, production, management, marketing and other core experts from?Sunwin TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO., LIMITED (Hong Kong)

About Sunwin Cables

In 1999, the SUNWIN TECHNOLOGY established a fully automated factory in Guangdong province of: Guangdong Sunwin Cables Industry Co., Ltd. After years of pioneering spirit, southern China to become the largest wire and cable manufacturers, and to become the leading specialty brands of large cables. In 2004, Guangzhou Sunwin Cables Co., Ltd. was established in Guangzhou, continue to develop the kind of business development and product development models.

Being a large enterprise specialized in manufacturing wire and cable, Shengyu Cable is committed to providing solutions for the social power cable construction projects, household electricity and other areas to help people handling the electrical equipment safely,improve the transmission efficiency, and reduces the environmental adverse effects.

In recent years, our domestic key projects include: Guangzhou Tower, Guangzhou East Tower, Shenzhen Metro and so on. Shengyu's marketing and service network is distributed in many countries, providing the most advanced and reliable products and services to users all over the world. Sunwin has a lot of experience and reputation, has been named as Guangdong famous brand and famous trademark. By production strength and research technology, we were exported many high-quality cable products to the market.
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